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Cost savings for Keitele Group

Keitele Forest Oy was established in 1981. The group includes Keitele Timber, Keitele Wood Products and Keitele Energy.

Keitele Timber’s sawmills operate in three locations: Keitele, Alajärvi and Kemijärvi. The Keitele sawmill is one of the largest production plants in Finland. The Alajärvi plant focuses on sawn pine. The Kemijärvi Sawmill produces custom-made sawn timber, planed timber and glue-laminated timber (glulam), mainly for the Far East market under the Aurorazai brand. 

JAS marking of glulam beams exported to Asia – product changes on the line can now be made without interruptions

In 2015, the group opened its efficient Kemijärvi unit. The sawmill produces up to 50 beams of high-quality glulam per minute, with product changes also carried out quickly on the line. Beams exported to Japan are marked with a JAS certification label.

The customer needed a labelling system to match the performance and flexibility of the production line. Informa provided a Markem-Imaje 2200 series printer applicator and NiceLabel software for print management. Thanks to the printer’s speed and accurate print quality, you only need one label quality for all products. This eliminated the need to purchase and store pre-printed labels in Japanese, bringing significant cost savings compared to the past. Product changes on the line can also be done quickly and smoothly, without unnecessary interruptions.

Keitele Group is satisfied with the equipment and Informa’s work, which is why the company also decided to purchase the same equipment for their Keitele unit. The Markem-Imaje 2200 series printer applicators are now in use in both the Kemijärvi and Keitele units.

Ilkka Kylävainio, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Keitele Group, says that the printers have worked reliably. The equipment is regularly cleaned and serviced proactively, and he says the spare parts service has also worked well.

Learn more about Keitele Group here.